where it all began...

Welcome to Creative Blossom Ltd, I'm Tracy the owner and Creative Director of the company, a wife and mother to 3 beautiful children and a devout Christian. I absolutely love period dramas with Downton Abbey, Bridgerton and Pride and Prejudice being in my top 3 favs. So where did it all begin?
As a child I was always surrounded by excellent craftsmanhip and a strong DIY influence. My mother made a lot of our clothes, and we only ever had handmade cakes and pies most nights of the week. My father made 99% of the furniture within our home, both parents were and still are so talented and i admired them and still do to this very day.
My favourite peice that my father made was my cabin bunk-bed with my bespoke pine ladder that i loved to climb, crafted from his hard working hands, i hold fond memories to this day of the smell of that fresh pine ladder.
It's no surprise to my family that i now have Creative Blossom, as i too from as young as i can remember made clothes for my doll's, handmade greeting cards for family, made christmas decorations for the family home and later became an award winning Entreprenuer, Designer and self-taught dress-maker all before having my own family.
Fast forward to 2013 Creative Blossom was born and my creativity continues to blossom to this day. Creative Blossom has grown from strength to strength. From the early beginnings of working in my Kitchen which then extended into the utility room, which then extended into the dining room, which then extended into the garage and hallway.... let's face it i took over the house! My hubby and children wanted the house back, and who could blame them.
Creative Blossom now operates from its own Head Quarter's with a team of creatives using the best commercial equipment to meet on-demand corporate or personal requests and orders.
Owning your own business means you wear so many different hats, one particular 'hat' i love wearing is Product Photographer and Set Designer for staging all the photos you see on the website and social media. I absolutely love my DSLR camera and feel so proud that i'm a self-taught photographer too, how cool is that!
We love personalised gifting here, there's nothing quite like finding that perfect gift and seeing the sheer delight on someone's face when they receive it. It's always a pleasure to hear how happy our customers are as a result of sending or receiving an item i've prototyped, designed and brought to life.
Our reviews speak for themself so I hope you enjoy browsing through the collections in the search for your next special gift or maybe a treat for yourself. x